Wednesday, July 1, 2009


Hey Everyone,

I haven't been able to update this blog nearly as much as I've wanted to this summer. It's been hard to find the time when a team is here and it's also really tempting to spend all my time responding to e-mails because I appreciate receiving them so much. But I'm going to try to make a better effort to make longer posts more often; so here it goes!

Let's start with what God has been teaching me this summer. I think the main thing right now is obedience. It's so easy for us to get disappointed with our circumstances and feel like we are somehow failing. There have been times this summer when I've felt like our summer staff is not bonding well enough, I've had trouble connecting with the boy I'm mentoring, and I've struggled to get past surface level relationships with both the high school students and the Jamaicans. Some days it all seems in vain-- like I'm not making a difference and somehow I must be missing what God has for me this summer. God's been teaching me that we care WAY too much about results. All that God calls us to is obedience. It's that simple. When I'm leading devotionals and I feel God tugging me to ask certain questions, those are the ones I should ask. And when the room goes silent or it doesn't seem like that question leads to any meaningful discussion, I have to trust that God knew what he was doing. It can be frustrating when I'm loving someone the best I know how and yet they don't really want to have a deep relationship (sounds a little like how we are with God). God tells us to love people and to leave the rest up to Him. I think God is most glorified when we obey Him despite a lack of fruit from our efforts.

Another thing I've realized is that I haven't done a very good job of explaining what life is like in Harmons. So over the next few posts I'll try to catch everyone up to speed that's never been or talked with me about it before. Harmons is a rural valley of about 2,000 people. There is no running water and electricity is scarce and very expensive-- thus, the rule about using 2 minutes of water to take showers and always turning lights off in rooms that are not being used. Harmons is a pretty tightly knit community where most people know each other. Everyone lives in some degree of poverty, although some people have more than others.

It looks like my time is already running out. In the next blog I'll give you a sneak peek to "a week in the life of Adam Salloum." I know you are all in suspense.

Much love,



  1. Great stuff Adam! I share your passion for obedience in the face of seeming unfruitfulness. The prophet Samuel told King Saul that "obedience is better than sacrifice" when Saul was impatient and did not follow Samuel's instructions. I really appreciate the mindset to obey, and leave the results up to God. It's very freeing:) and peaceful. Thanks Adam, great word buddy.

  2. Great to hear from you Adam E! You are doing great work down there man! I love how you write about what God is teaching you, along with the normal what is going on in Jamaica. Keep in touch. Love and miss you bud!
