Friday, July 17, 2009

Great week!

Hey Everyone,

This has been such an amazing week. God has been so faithful in giving me peace after a very difficult few days, and He has helped me get back in the swing of things in Harmons.

Let's start with laundry. I've been dreading having to do my laundry by hand again and having to dedicate a full afternoon to arduous labor. On Wednesday I was hanging out with my mento at his house and his mom, having heard my horror story about the last laundry day, offered to help me wash. So Thursday morning I went over to her house and we completed all of it in a little more than 2 hours. It really was a blessing to get it done so quickly and to spend that time with my mento's family.

This week has also been great in terms of getting to know the team that is here. I don't feel like I know everyone as well as some teams this summer, but I have definitely connected with a few students really well. I was talking with one student the other night who lost a cousin of his in a car accident a few years ago and after he shared that we have really gotten to talk about some cool stuff. Keep praying that I keep my eyes open to the students that need an ear or a word of advice.

This morning I had a bible study with two Jamaicans in their early 20s. We read the first chapter of Ecclesiastes and talked about what it means when Solomon says "Everything is meaningless." This was one of the first times I've ever studied the bible with a Jamaican friend.

It's amazing how God continues to provide and gives me, a broken vessel, opportunities to speak truth and love in to others' lives.

Thanks again to all my supporters and my prayer warriors.

I love you all!


1 comment:

  1. in that case, you can do my laundry next year. i prefer cold water, one cycle.
