Monday, June 1, 2009

Harmons, Jamaica

Hey everyone!

Today was our first full day in Jamaica. We arrived yesterday afternoon after about 10 hours of travel (2 planes and a long bus ride in which we had to replace a flat tire). None of us got much sleep Saturday night so yesterday we mostly hung out around the Harmony House, where I will be living for the next 11 weeks.

I've only known the other 5 college students on staff with me for 4 days but we are already beginning to grow close. We had a full day today of intentional discussions, opening up about our lives. I know its going to take a lot of work to build these relationships, especially because we will be around each other 24/7 this summer, but I'm trusting that God is working in each of our hearts. There are 3 people from Geneva college in Pennsylvania, one from the University of Iowa and one from the Mizzou.

Besides some general chores and hanging out with a few Jamaicans that stopped by the house, the only other work I did today was thinking about how to do my job assignment. Our leaders, Josh and Loyd, met with the team today to give us our positions for the summer (none of us had any idea what we would be focusing on prior to this). I am going to be the spiritual formation coordinator. Basically, I will be leading morning and evening devotionals. During the day I can help our work coordinator (John from Mizzou) to get to know the groups that are coming down. Our first group arrives Sunday which we are all really pumped up about. Until then we will just continue to get to know each other better, do odd jobs around the house and hang out with the Jamaicans.

This is going to be one crazy summer but I can't wait to see what God has in store.

Please be praying for us-- and I'd love to hear from you this summer by either commenting on this blog or e-mailing me at (although it may take me a while to respond because of limited computer time and such).

Much love,



  1. You have been well prepared for your role as spiritual formation coordinator! Glad you hear you arrived safely... already miss you a lot.

  2. Good to hear you made it to Jamaica safely and are enjoying your time so far! Looking forward to hearing more about it! Praying for you and miss you man!

  3. Sounds awesome, adam :) Have a great time getting into the rhythm of everyday life down there.

  4. Hey Adam,

    What a small world, but I was actually in Harmons Jamaica with Won by One a few years ago. Hope you have a great time, I know I definitely did.

  5. Hey buddy! It sounds like everything is getting off to a good start, which is great to hear. I thought of you earlier because my coworker has a Yankees-related comic parody hanging up in her office where I had to work today. It's not a pro-Yanks thing tho, so I'll hold off on telling you what it says. Anyways, I miss and love you buddy. Keep us all posted. :-)

  6. Thanks everyone for checking out the blog and for the comments-- it's really exciting for me to see that I have new comments and wonder who it will be! I hope everyone is doing well!

