Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Getting Ready!

Hey Everyone!

Thanks for checking out my blog! I will try to update it as often as possible while I'm in Jamaica. I only have access to a computer twice a week for 30 min. each time so don't expect too much.

Between today and tomorrow I will be cleaning my room, buying some things I need and packing. I have lots of work left but it always seems to get done (although I'm guessing I will be working late into the night Thursday-- which is bad because my flight leaves at 6:15am Friday). On Friday I will be flying to Kansas City, MO, to meet the other 5 college students on my team and begin preparations. Then we will be flying to Jamaica together Sunday morning at 5:30am. We will have a few days to prepare and get to know each other before our first group arrives June 7th. Please be praying for the team! Hopefully by the next post will be from Jamaica mon!

Feel free to e-mail me while I'm in Jamaica at Remember that I have limited time on the computer so don't expect an immediate or elaborate response but I'll do what I can to stay in touch.

Until then,


PS- Check out the website of Won By One to Jamaica at:

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