Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Forced to slow down

Hey everyone!

Our final group of the summer is here and it's the church that my mom works at-- Mecklenburg Community Church. It is the smallest group of the summer (16) so it has been extremely different but also a lot less stressful. Learning 16 names is much easier than learning 51 names.

The beginning of this week has started off a little differently than usual because I haven't been able to go to any worksites with the teams. I've been fighting some infections on the tops of my feet and can't do much of anything right now. It seems that my feet are healing though so hopefully I can be back on the sites tomorrow or Thursday.

As annoying as it has been to not be able to haul marl, mix concrete and other fun activities (I actually enjoy them), my wounds have forced me to slow down a little bit and hang out with some of my Jamaican friends. Also, yesterday I went into Mandeville (the closest large town) with my boss Josh to buy a bunch of supplies. It was a neat opportunity because usually there are a million people clamoring for Josh's attention so it was cool to get to talk with him one on one without interruption. I got to hear more about his heart for ministry in Harmons and tell him about how my summer has been and what I'm thinking about my future.

Today was a pretty relaxing day. I spent a lot of it in the house preparing for devotions for the week, I hung out with my mento for a little bit and now hopefully I'm going to have bible study with a friend if he shows up.

Thats all for now!

Much love,


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